[Limited time] Raw sweet potato truffle
[Limited time] Raw sweet potato truffle
carefully selected sweet potatoes Our proud ``raw sweet potato kenpi'' is crisply fried in carefully selected rapeseed oil. This is a limited time product made with homemade honey mixed with summer truffles. For the finishing touch, we added a luxurious topping of summer truffles.
About the desired delivery date
When you select "View Cart" on the screen that appears after clicking "Add to Cart", a notes column will appear, so please enter your desired delivery date there. Please note that the notes section will not be displayed if you select "Proceed to checkout". -
About expiry date
All products are shipped frozen. The expiration date is approximately 1 month when frozen. Please consume as soon as possible after thawing.
[Estimated defrosting time]
Imo Mont Blanc Daifuku: 6 to 8 hours in the refrigerator below 10℃
Shredded raw sweet potato kenpi: 5-10 minutes at room temperature
本州・四国・九州 1〜2個1,000円、3〜4個1,500円
北海道 1〜2個1,200円、3〜4個1,500円
沖縄 1〜2個1,500円、3〜4個2,000円
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